While Abroad

You made it!
Once you are in-country, begin to get to know your surroundings. Immerse yourself and maximize your time abroad!
Here are a few things to remember while you are away:- Notify the OIP when you arrive at your host institution
- Email the OIP (oip@presby.edu) as soon as you arrive at your host institution to let us know you arrived safely.
- Login to your online account and fill in the “Contact While Abroad” section of your profile. This will help us keep in-touch with you for emergency purposes.
Course Registration at your host Institution- If you have not already registered, review your transient form to make sure you enroll only in courses that you have gotten approved at PC. Although you may take whatever courses you like, you will only receive credit for approved courses.
- If you need to change your course selection to enroll in a course that you did not get pre-approved at PC, you must contact your Academic Advisor (by phone and/or email) and have the course approved.
- Once the additional course has been approved please forward those emails to OIP and the Registrar’s Office.
Communicate with OIP while you are abroad- We are always interested to hear about your experiences while you are abroad. Do not hesitate to contact any of the staff in the OIP office to share how things are going.
- Feel welcome to send us a postcard, photos and videos.
- Especially if you have problems, contact OIP to discuss your issues.
Registration for courses at PC when you return
You should receive a campus wide email week with registration information. Since you are studying away from PC, you have three options for pre-registration:
- Contact your advisor for him/her to register you
- Contact Vicky Wilson with your course schedule listing and she will register you
- Or register yourself through Bannerweb
Remember that you cannot register before your specified time based on your classification. If you have any questions, please contact Vicky Wilson at
Enjoy the opportunity of a lifetime!