Diversity Abroad

Presbyterian College believes that a carefully planned off-campus study program is a valuable component of a liberal arts education and encourages all students to take advantage of this opportunity.
We also recognize the special concerns of multicultural students, LGBTQ-Q students, and students with disabilities considering off-campus study.
Issues of identity may take on different degrees of importance abroad depending on the student and the host country. Ethnicity, race, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender: students reflect on these and other aspects of their identities and their own cultural expectations in new ways while abroad. Other cultures have different ways of dealing with these aspects of identity; students may encounter individuals who range from overly curious to completely disinterested in important aspects of their identity. You may find that an aspect of your identity that is most important to you, like race, may seem less important to those around you than another aspect of your identity, like nationality or gender, depending on the cultural context.
You may have some concerns about how you will be received abroad and whether you can meet the unfamiliar challenges. We hope these resources will encourage you to study abroad and to help you in choosing a program that accommodates your academic interests and support needs. We welcome your questions and feedback.
Students from underrepresented groups may find themselves better equipped to deal with the challenges of study abroad because of past experiences being part of a minority group. Don't underestimate your resources and the skills you've already gained.
Identity-based Resources for Students
Race & Ethnicity Resources
First Generation Resources
LGBT+ Resources
Gender Resources
Mental Health Resources
Learning and/or Mobility Differences Resources
Faith & Religion Resources
Non-traditional Resources